The Trail Show #65: The GPaT

Show #65 – D-LOW!!! On this month´s Trail Show we report on the #trailshowbump, former legal counsel Brian “Buck-30” Tanzman skypes in to talk Greater Patagonian Trail, P.O.D. issues a Mad Pooper retraction, #montanastrong Cliff Kipp from the Montana Conservation Corps is live via satellite to talk trail work, Bigfoot hotel and bear possession, D-Low does border wall shavasana, homage is paid to Ryan Zinke and Bear Grylls, Disco relays a wag bag trail tip, and we investigate the pros and cons of zoo dates. We bow down to Jah and our monthly Trail Show donors, unfurl the mailbag and return our Ask-A-Hiker segment to D-Low.

And as always … Beer O’ Da Month (Arizona beers from Lumberyard Brewing and SanTan Brewing courtesy of Trail Show Nation), Trail News with P.O.D., Trail O’ da Month (Greater Patagonian Trail), and Ask-A-Hiker with D-Low.

Big thanks again to Cliff Kipp for guesting on this month’s show. Learn more about the Montana Conservation Corps at

The Trail Show #64: The ACT

Show #64 – Broadcasting live from a yurt at the 2017 ALDHA-West Gathering!!! On this month´s Trail Show special guest Kristin Gates joins us to talk Greenland’s Arctic Circle Trail, dog mushing and polar bears, Trail Show 5th Chair Liz “Snorkel” Thomas also joins us to talk PNT, road walking and eating on video, Brooks Range Council’s John Gaedeke skypes in to discuss a proposed road in Alaska’s Brooks Range, a listener asks about cathole magicians, POD denies mad pooping, we discuss hiking with non-significant others, Disco puts his head in his hands during tent stake review … again, and we make some podcast/media recommendations (Cascade Hiker Podcast, Routes Podcast, ALDHA-West Gazette, Explorers Club). We bow down to our magnanimous monthly Trail Show donors, peak in the mailbag and throw our Ask-A-Hiker segment to Snorkel after a lengthy legal battle.

And as always … Beer O’ Da Month (courtesy of ALDHA-West), Trail News with P.O.D., Trail O’ da Month (Arctic Circle Trail), and Ask-A-Hiker with Liz “Snorkel” Thomas.

Big thanks again to John Gaedeke for guesting on this month’s show. Learn more about the Brooks Range Council at

The Trail Show #63: LT Redux

Show #63 – KOOZIES!!! On this month´s Trail Show special guest Mike DeBonis (Executive Director of the Green Mountain Club) joins us to talk Long Trail, GMC and hiking in wool, POD warns of altitude, Vermont prescribes Nature, Iron Mike Unger breaks from the CT and joins us in studio, the PCT is on fire, Disco gets upset during tent stake review, doggy bags are examined, and we learn what a packbasket is. We doff our caps to our lavish monthly Trail Show donors, hoist the mailbag high and throw our Ask-A-Hiker segment to Iron Mike.


And as always … Beer O’ Da Month (courtesy of Trip the Light, Iron Mike, and Chicory & Hoho), Trail News with P.O.D., Trail O’ da Month (Long Trail), and Ask-A-Hiker with Iron Mike Unger.


Big thanks again to Mike DeBonis for guesting on this month’s show. Learn more about the Green Mountain Club at

The Trail Show #62: The O3T

Show #62 – Bye Felicia. On this month´s Trail Show we broadcast from a VIP listener’s basement, extra special guest “Out of Order” joins The Trail Show in studio for never heard before tales from 6,300 miles of hiking across Europe, D-Low tells unsuccessful jokes and preps for kindergarten, POD flames out during our PocketMail talk, Disco talks koozies, Speshul goes to Six Flags, 03 downloads from Cuba, we discuss #snakesonatrail, and a listener sends a curious calendar. Our monthly Trail Show donors are revered, we find a thin mailbag and a beefy Ask-A-Hiker segment.

And as always … Beer O’ Da Month (Scavenger sends Mt. Massive IPA, Shovel send Perrin’s Dry Chai Stout, and OOO Brings a Bear Canister full of Florida Beers!), Trail News with P.O.D., Trail O’ da Month (O3T’s Europe North to South), and Ask-A-Hiker with D-Low.

Big thanks again to Out of Order for guesting on this month’s show. Learn more about his walk across Europe at

The Trail Show #61: The OT

Show #61 – Ah the San Angelo Life! On this month´s Trail Show, Speshul 41 is back in studio with tales of bear attacks, ticks and Dr. Krieger, Ken Kurtz of the Ozark Trail Association talks MEGAs and building trail in Missouri, Julie Mach of the Colorado Mountain Club guests with us in studio, P.O.D. discusses the darkies, we hear from a Trail Show VIP, Speshul brings us an interview via satellite feed from the Ozarks, D-Low’s advice in debunked, Disco fears Zika, and we discuss the Reveal Podcast episode “America’s Ring of Fire.” Our monthly Trail Show donors are admired, we find a postcard in the mailbag and P.O.D. fields Ask-A-Hiker queries.

And as always … Beer O’ Da Month (a boat load of Bay Area beers (and ice) from the Onion!), Trail News, Trail O’ da Month (Ozark Trail), and Ask-A-Hiker with P.O.D.

Big thanks to Ken Kurtz of Ozark Trails Association for talking OT on this month’s show. Learn more at

And special thanks goes to Julie Mach of the Colorado Mountain Club for bringing us up to speed on CMC’s conservation efforts. Get involved at

This month’s episode of The Trail Show is brought to you by ALDHA-West! Register for this year´s ALDHA-West Gathering (Sep 29-Oct 1) in beautiful Keystone, CO by visiting

The Trail Show #60: The OHT

Show #60 – #bearpiñata! On this month´s Trail Show, P.O.D. takes over Trail News, D-Low dreams of Tontitown, Steven Parker of the Ozark Highlands Trail Association brings us up to speed on this 200+ mile walk in the woods, Speshul 41 sends us a message from Minnesota, we learn that gunpowder and fire don’t mix, “Out of Order” tosses us one final dispatch from the end, Steve Staley talks 30 years of trail maintenance on the Colorado Trail, Boomer bushwhacks … for years, Disco eulogizes Boone’s Farm, and we discuss the short film “Alcove” by Chris. Thanx and praize torrents down on our monthly Trail Show donors, we peek inside the mailbag and D-Low answers more Ask-A-Hiker questions than you can shake a stick at.

And as always … Beer O’ Da Month (4 beers from Springfield Brewing Co c/o The Curtis Ware & a vintage bottle of Pisco c/o Craig “What a Guy” Gulley), Trail News, Trail O’ Da Month (Ozark Highlands Trail), and Ask-A-Hiker with D-Low.

Big thanks to Steven Parker of Ozark Highlands Trails Association for guesting on this month’s show. Learn more at

The Trail Show #59: The Inca Trail

Show #59 – 5 Years in da Bag! On this month´s Trail Show, we exhume the late Paul “Mags” Magnanti from the dead to guest with us and bring us all the news that’s fit to be heard, D-Low talks mushroom death suits and the benefits of sleeping on 2x4s, Executive Director of the Idaho Trail Association Jeff Halligan talks trail work and crosscut saws in the Gem State, Speshul 41 sends us a missive from inside a vacuum at the bottom of a lake, POD discusses the finer points of Andean train rides and hiking in jeans, D-Low talks Inca Trail and other Inca Trails during Trail O’ da Month, “Out of Order” sends us dispatches from Portuguese highways, Mags pays homage to Charlie and discusses the book “On the Trail” by Silas Chamberlain. Thanx and praize rains down on our generous monthly Trail Show donors, we unpack another large mailbag and Mags goes dirtbag during Gear Review.

And as always … Beer O’ Da Month (3 beers from 3 breweries c/o Trail Show Nation), Trail News, Trail O’ Da Month (Inca Trail), and Ask-A-Hiker with D-Low & Out of Order.

Big thanks to Jeff Halligan of Idaho Trails Association for guesting on this month’s show. Learn more at

Our newest Bonus Show #7 is available on iTunes! Go.Get.It.


The Trail Show #58: AZT Redux

Show #58 – Spring is in the air! On this month´s Trail Show, we plunge into Disco’s recent hike on the Arizona Trail, the Founder of Adventure Scientists, Gregg Treinish, talks to us about the important work they are doing, Speshul 41 discusses trams, bear cans and the fate of ADZPCTKO, special guest Amanda “Zuul” Jameson speaks on spending 12 months in a Subaru with Speshul, “Out of Order” sends us correos from Spain, POD admires Buck-30, and we interrogate Snorkel on her new book “Long Trails: Mastering the Art of the Thru-Hike.” Thanx and praize showers down on our generous monthly Trail Show donors, we hoist a large mailbag this and The Ground Claw is thoroughly inspected during Gear Review.

And as always … Beer O’ Da Month (delicious Indiana brews thanks to “Juice” and a delightful IPA from New Zealand care of the Stantons), Trail News, Trail O’ Da Month (Arizona Trail), and Ask-A-Hiker with P.O.D.

Big thanks to Gregg Treinish of Adventure Scientists for guesting on this month’s show. Learn more at

This month’s episode of The Trail Show is brought to you by Altra Running. Get the best trail shoes on the planet at & tell them The Trail Show sent ya!!! #EmbraceTheSpace @altrarunning

Bonus Show #7: Designing Your Own Hiking Route

Available on iTunes!!! This month on The Trail Show Bonus Show #7, we examine the ins and outs of designing your own hiking route! Special guests Ryan “Dirtmonger” Sylva and Steven “Twinkle” Shattuck join our very own Speshul 41, to discuss the routes they successfully designed and hiked while P.O.D. and Disco pepper them with questions and insults! Tune in to learn how each of these three hikers designed their own hiking routes, overcame adversity and progressed from established trails to the great unknown of forging their own path.

Download Bonus Show #7 today on iTunes or at

And be sure to check out the free monthly Trail Show podcast at

The Trail Show #57: The SDTCT (Part B)

Show #57b: February’s show was so packed with beers, trails & nonsense that we had to split it into 2 parts! Part A was made available back in February so if you haven’t heard it yet, go download it. Part B is what we present to you today … highlights include Cliff Kipp from the Montana Conservation Corps relaying tales of bear carnage, Cactus & Aroo transporting us to dry washes on the San Diego Trans County Trail (SDTCT), talk of the Sierra snowpack on Ask-A-Hiker, Bobcat’s letter to the mailbag, a review of the film Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things, a golden rock on eBay and much much more!

Thanks again to our beer donors: Perrin Brewing Co brews care of Shovel & Stumble, Sam Adams Hopscape & Fresh as Helles care of Sam Adams, assorted Confederate brews care of Dr. Drei and a few extra specials from Cactus.

Big thanks again to Cliff Kipp from the Montana Conservation Corps (MCC) for guesting on this month’s show. Learn more at

Need more Trail Show? Get free back episodes at
and our entire catalog of Bonus Shows for mere pennies right now at

The Trail Show #57: The SDTCT (Part A)

Show #57a – D-Low is back from the SWAMP! On this month´s Trail Show, we drink a lot of beer and speak to a lot of beer people, Havasupai goes digital, special guest Cliff Kipp from the Montana Conservation Corps joins us, we discuss starting fires with Cheerios, Cactus & Aroo make us want to hike the San Diego Trans County Trail, “Out of Order” gets further south, Speshul encourages us to #keepitpublic, POD battles D-Low in the Micraphonagon, Disco pushes buttons and has horse pucky directed at him. We give thx and praize to our monthly Trail Show donors, the mailbag is rummaged thru and Trail Show Brewery & Beer of the Year Award is resurrected!

And as always … Beer O’ Da Month (Perrin Brewing Company brews care of Shovel & Stumble, Sam Adams Hopscape & Fresh as Helles care of Sam Adams, assorted Confederate brews care of Dr. Drei and a few extra specials from Cactus), Trail News, Trail O’ Da Month (San Diego Trans County Trail), and Ask-A-Hiker with P.O.D-Low.

Big thanks to Cliff Kipp from the Montana Conservation Corps (MCC) for guesting on this month’s show. Learn more at

Need more Trail Show? Get free back episodes at and our entire catalog of Bonus Shows for mere pennies right now at

The Trail Show #56: The GBT

Show #56 – Full House in the Sangres! On this month´s Trail Show, Flat Tires are examined, ramen noodles are cross-examined, special guest Marcus Selig from the National Forest Foundation joins us, Ryan “Dirtmonger” Sylva pinpoints the middle of nowhere which is somewhere on the Great Basin Traverse, Steven “Twinkle” Shattuck comes back to be our Moses and throw a few barbs, “Out of Order” exits Germany, Speshul speaks on antiquities and #storagelife, POD performs a hostile takeover of D-Low’s old segment, Disco walks thru puddles and samples beer flavored things. We rain thanx and praize on our bighearted monthly Trail Show donors, the mailbag runneth over and Speshul goes from hook to angle.

And as always … Beer O’ Da Month (delicious California brews thanks to Trail Show VIP Curtis Barrett), Trail News, Trail O’ Da Month (Great Basin Traverse), and Ask-A-Hiker with P.O.D.

Music on this month’s Trail Show courtesy of Pat “AXYL” Dixon!

Need more Trail Show? Get free back episodes at and our entire catalog of Bonus Shows for mere pennies right now at

The Trail Show #55: The SkIT

Show #55 – It’s our 2016 Holiday Spectacular! On this month´s Trail Show, we pay tribute to Mike “D-Low” DiLorenzo and he pays tribute to us with a horrific anecdote, an old caller phones in, special guest Ryan “Dirtmonger” Sylva relays stories of twitchers and gnar on the Sky Islands Traverse, Scott “Squatch” Herriott is back with his Tales from the Trail, “Out of Order” chimes in, Speshul speaks on fires, house bills and hedging one’s bets, POD is not a shiker, Disco is attacked by a plunger and we review the article subtitled “Stop Making Trails.” Thanx and praize showers down on our generous monthly Trail Show donors, we tear open the mailbag and the gear review takes an unsuspecting twist.

And as always … Beer O’ Da Month (delicious Michigan brews thanks to Perrin Brewing Co.), Trail News, Trail O’ Da Month (Sky Islands Traverse), and Ask-A-Hiker with D-Low.

Music on this month’s Trail Show courtesy of Joshua “Bobcat” Stacy! Check out Bobby’s music at and

Beer for this month’s Trail Show was graciously provided by Perrin Brewing Company. Visit their brewery next time you are in the Grand Rapids, MI area and check out their website:





The Trail Show #54: The NNML

Show #54 – Holy Cow! On this month´s Trail Show, we learn about that itchy feeling that comes from some hot springs, D-Low odes to Eddie VH, special guest Amanda “Not A Chance” Timeoni tells of adventure and meadow bagging on the Northern New Mexico Loop, “Out of Order” brings us another missive from Germany, Speshul goes solar, POD doles out statistics advice and we review the short film “Theodore Jones” from “Out of Order.” Thanks and praise reigns down on our monthly Trail Show donors, we unpack a full mailbag and go further down the rabbit hole during gear review.

And as always … Beer O’ Da Month (frosty California brews thanks to Trail Show VIP Trevor “Homework” McKee), Trail News, Trail O’ Da Month (Northern New Mexico Loop), and Ask-A-Hiker with D-Low.

Need more Trail Show? Get free back episodes at and our entire catalog of Bonus Shows for mere pennies right now at

The Trail Show #53: The L2H

Show #53 – Happy Halloween! On this month´s Trail Show, we learn about bipedal bears, we discuss why the internet is outraged … again, special guest Amanda “Zuul” Jameson talks PCT thru-hike transition, live via satellite link Liz “Snorkel” Thomas regales us with tales from the Lowest to Highest route, Out of Order talks chocolate, Speshul does not get hitched, D-Low shortens the show, POD keeps the mess together, the ESAC is debuted and we review the short film “Two Brothers” from the ATC. Thanks and praise reigns down on our monthly Trail Show donors, we read an incredible letter in the mailbag followed by some bad bologna and take a close look at DAC. 

And as always … Beer O’ Da Month (frosty brews thanks to the Trail Show Nation), Trail News, Trail O’ Da Month (Lowest to Highest route), and Ask-A-Hiker with D-Low. 

This month’s episode of The Trail Show is brought to you by RailRiders Adventure Clothing! Get the “Toughest Clothes on the Planet” at

Bonus Show #6: Red Tent Show 2

This month on The Trail Show Bonus Show #6 … the long awaited follow up to our first Red Tent Show … it’s Red Tent Show 2!

On this Bonus Show, we head back to the Red Tent to further explore all things outdoors and how they are different for Red Tenters. Guesting with P.O.D. for Red Tent Bonus Show 2 is She-Ra, Not a Chance and Snorkel … four women with more miles than most … these ladies of the trail throw open the red tent vestibule and tell you how it really is.

If you enjoyed the first Red Tent Bonus Show, you won’t want to miss this second one!!!

Wanna listen to the entire show? Head over to & download Bonus Show #6 today!

And be sure to check out the free monthly show at:

The Trail Show #52: The BeHR

Show #52 – I´ll be your Moses! On this month´s show, we gather at our new South Boulder telecasting complex, discuss the vagaries of FKTs, special guest Steven “Twinkle” Shattuck sheds light on Montana´s Beartooth Range, maltodextrin is examined, Speshul does 27 Miles not McDoubles, D-Low attacks a wooky, POD loses it, Disco talks 14ers parade and we give high praise to the new book by Sebastian Junger called Tribe. Thanks and praise is dispensed to our monthly Trail Show donors, we parse thru a thin mailbag and continue our new series of Gear Reviews.

And as always … Beer O’ Da Month (frosty brews thanks to Jeff “Washpot” Grabham), Trail News, Trail O’ Da Month (Beartooth High Route), and Ask-A-Hiker with D-Low.

This month’s episode of The Trail Show is brought to you by Hikertrash! Check out their trucker hats, visors, shirts and more at

The Trail Show #51: The WHW

Show #51 – Sláinte! On this longest show yet, we assemble on D-Low’s back patio to admire the landscaping, a legal victory is had, special guest Brian “Mr. G” Davidson educates us on haggis and Scotland’s West Highland Way, Junaid fields questions and ghosts a painter, D-Low places McClouds under pillows, POD strikes lightning and resurrects Ask-A-SheHiker, Disco croons, sporks are shown no love and we evaluate the PCT film “27 McDoubles + 90 Miles.” Thx and praise is distributed to our monthly Trail Show donors, we track down the Mailbag and begin a new series of Gear Reviews from the ground up.

And as always … Beer O’ Da Month (frosty brews thanks to Craig “Skygzr” Gulley), Trail News, Trail O’ Da Month (West Highland Way), and Ask-A-Hiker with D-Low.

Big THANKS to Clay “Woodward” Jacobson for the music on this month’s show. Listen to all the tunes from “A Long Slow Drift” at

Need more Trail Show? Get free back episodes at and our entire catalog of Bonus Shows right now at

The Trail Show #50: The GR20

The Trail Show #50: GR20

Show #50 – HalfM! On this month’s show, we set up shop once again on D-Low´s back patio and celebrate 50 episodes and 500,000 downloads of The Trail Show, Speshul receives a special gift, we call Baghdad and Germany to the tune of crickets, Trailline is resurrected, D-Low loses his mind, POD evangelizes on the perfect campsite, and we take a peek at a short French film about Fra Li Monti. We give shout outs to our monthly Trail Show donors, deliver the Mailbag and remember the 80´s during Gear Review.

And as always … Beer O’ Da Month (partial shipment of New England brews thanks to “Shameless”), Trail News, Trail O’ Da Month (GR20), and Ask-A-Hiker with D-Low.

This month’s episode of The Trail Show is brought to you by ALDHA-West! Register for this year´s ALDHA-West Gathering (Sep 30-Oct 2) in Nevada City, CA by visiting

Download more episodes of The Trail Show on iTunes, GooglePlay, Stitcher Radio and And get our entire catalog of Bonus Shows at Thanks for supporting The Trail Show!

The Trail Show #49: The Urban Hike Experience

The Trail Show #49: The Urban Hike Experience

Show #49 – Urbanitude! On this month’s show, we assemble once again at the D-Lowrenzo Stronghold, AXYL gets us back on the trail, special guest and 5th chair Liz “Snorkel” Thomas breaks down 1,500 miles of urban hiking, Junaid discusses the bison award & joins the fold, KC gets nocked, POD tells hikers to talk to la mano, and we review the PNT film “A Sense of Direction.” We give thanks and praise to our monthly Trail Show donors, speak on the Mailbag and study metal bars during Gear Review.

And as always … Beer O’ Da Month (Texas brews thanks to Pat “AXYL” Dixon), Trail News, Trail O’ Da Month (Urban Hiking), and Ask-A-Hiker with D-Low.

Snorkel’s Thru Hiking 101 Class can be found at

This month’s episode of The Trail Show is brought to you by Latino Outdoors! Support Latino Outdoors by visiting