The Trail Show #78: Via Dinarica (Part B)

Show #78b – #Hell-y! – December’s Trail Show was so packed with beers, trails & nonsense that we had to split it into 2 parts! Part A was made available back in December so if you haven’t heard it yet, go download it. Part B is what we present to you today.… highlights include a double shot of clips from Moonkid, a trail name is given during Ask-A-Hiker, the Eagle Creek Trail is diss-cussed, Speshul speaks on pecan pies, special guest Shawn “Pepper” Forry talks to us about his current book Ultralight Winter Travel, Salty speaks to Sea Ray, and much much more!

Thanks again to our beer donors: Steven Goodrich sent us some tremendous Georgia beers and Jake Risch sent us some fine Oregon beers!

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